Millions of employees spend a large part of their day (and lifetime!) at work, increasing the impact that a person’s workplace environment can have on their mental well-being. When left untreated, mental health conditions can significantly impact the day-to-day workings of a workplace. When mental wellness is made a priority in the workplace, employers should expect to see fewer sick/PTO days being utilized, a reduction in employee turnover, improved productivity, increased employee engagement & loyalty, reduced healthcare costs, increased employee job satisfaction and fewer accidents.

There are many ways that an employer can support their staff experiencing mental health challenges, yet doing so can be challenging. We recommend incorporating education. Not only will NAMI Fox Valley’s workplace education presentations provide valuable knowledge on an array of topics related to mental wellness, thus reducing the harmful stigma that surrounds mental health conditions, but our presentations also act as conversation-starters to get people talking and prioritizing mental wellness in the workplace. We look forward to collaborating with you at your workplace!

Workplace Mental Health Presentation Menu

30-45 minutes
What will be covered: 
    • Brief overview of NAMI as a national organization 
    • Overview of current outreach, education & support programs specific to NAMI Fox Valley 
    • Overview of Iris Place, our state-funded Peer-Run Respite Center
60-75 minutes
What will be covered: 
    • Definition of mental health vs mental health condition 
    • Warning signs of a mental health condition
    • Warning signs of a person experiencing a mental health crisis and tips on how to verbally de-escalate 
    • The impact (including statistics) of mental health conditions 
    • Treatment options and barriers to receiving help
    • Definition of recovery 
    • Resources for crisis & support
60-75 minutes
What will be covered: 
    • How untreated mental illness and stress can impact an employee, including relevant statistics
    • Warning signs of a mental health condition, particularly those experienced in the workplace 
    • Benefits of addressing mental health in the workplace 
    • Strategies to address stress in the workplace 
    • Actions steps to promote mental well-being as an employer, a supervisor, a coworker, and within yourself
What will be covered:
    • Warning signs of someone experiencing challenges with their mental well-being 
    • Tips on how to prepare for a conversation regarding someone’s mental well-being 
    • Best practices for having a conversation with someone regarding their mental well-being (opening lines, what to do/what not to do during the conversation, follow-up after the conversation)
    • Resources for support 
    • Definition of compassion fatigue & how to build compassion resilience
90-120 minutes
What will be covered: 
    • Risk factors that may lead to a mental health-related crisis
    • Warning signs that someone is experiencing a mental health-related crisis 
    • Tips on how to effectively de-escalate someone experiencing a mental health-related crisis
    • How to respond when a mental health crisis includes suicidality
    • The role of a CIT police officer 
    • How to prepare for a future mental health-related crisis (crisis intervention planning)
30-60 minutes
NAMI Fox Valley recognizes that personal story sharing is not only a way to break the stigma that surrounds mental health conditions, but also a way to instill hope in others. A NAMI Talks Testimonial presentation provides an invaluable opportunity to hear first-hand from a peer or a loved one on their unique experience navigating a mental health condition.
60-90 minutes
What will be covered:
    • Important definitions and language to be used when addressing suicide 
    • Prevalence of suicide (including local statistics) 
    • Risk and protective factors for suicide 
    • What to look for (warning signs) in someone who may be actively considered suicide 
    • How to respond to someone who is in a suicidal crisis 
    • Current crisis resources
60-75 minutes
What will be covered: 
    • Definition of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)
    • How trauma affects the developing brain
    • Signs that an individual may have experienced childhood trauma
    • The original ACE study and how it was replicated in Wisconsin
    • Definition of resilience and how to promote resilience in our youth
    • This training would be most appropriate for staff who work with youth
Not finding what you’re looking for in the options above? Wanting to combine components of different presentations? No problem! We welcome the opportunity to work with you to create a presentation that will be most effective for your place of employment. Please note that depending on the level of customization, there may be an increase in cost for presentation development.

Contact us to discuss your needs and talk about options!

Megan Zimmerman

Outreach Program Director

  (920) 954-1550 x 207

Presentation Format Options

  • Single 1-2 hour Training
  • Lunch & Learn Series (2 or more 1-Hour Presentations Done Over the Lunch Hour)
  • Half-Day Training (4 Hours)
  • Custom to Fit Your Needs!

*All presentations can be done virtually, if needed.

Presentation Cost

The current rate for our workplace trainings is $200/hour. If cost is a barrier, please let us know, as there may be funds available to cover the cost of the training. Please note that there may be an increase in cost for customized presentations.